Unleash the Power
of T.Glenny
T.Glenny has being created to inspire personal wellness and resilience by fostering a supportive community, empowering individuals to commit to and complete a monthly 36-hour fast through shared encouragement and timely reminders. All for the grand total of $2 per month as a subscription.
Fasting offers several potential benefits for your body and mind:
Boosts Metabolism: Helps your body burn fat and use energy more efficiently.
Supports Cellular Repair: Encourages the body to clean up damaged cells, improving overall health.
Improves Focus: Can enhance mental clarity and concentration.
Balances Blood Sugar: Helps regulate insulin levels and improve sensitivity.
Promotes Longevity: Linked to reduced inflammation and potential for longer, healthier life.
Encourages Mindfulness: Builds discipline and awareness around eating habits.
It’s like giving your body a reset, with lasting benefits!
How it works
For just $2 a month subscription, T.Glenny is building an epic human connection & badass support system that will snowball into a global community of like minded thinkers.
Always know, you’re not alone, and most likely doing it with friends and fam to egg each other on. Just know that T.Glenny is doing it too! Every month with you.
You’ll get emailed reminders.
Get ready and reminder email leading up to and at 6 PM on the 23rd.
fyi - Drink plenty of water.
Whats up how’s ya going check-in email during the 24th during the fast.
fyi - Drink plenty of water.
Yippeee and fark yeah congratulatory message at 6 AM on the 25th to break your fast when ready.
fyi - Drink plenty of water.